What our Judges Look For

Read advice from our judges and what they look for in a winning entry:

“What I am looking for, particularly in the early stages when I am doing the online judging, is to learn about you and your story. What is it about you and your business? It could be about the people that you work with, it may be the product, the producers it could be your history and heritage. I need you to tell me that story because through it I can learn about you, your business and the people you work with. Later when we are out on the road visiting that is when it comes to live and we get to see who you are - and we find that, as judges, so inspirational!”

Elaine Lemm Co-Chair of Judges, Food and Travel writer.

“I am looking for a business that really respects what they do, their customer base, the guys they are buying from and their team.”

Debbie and Callum Edge, Owners Edge & Son, 2018 Retailer of the Year

"I always look for genuine stories with lots of independent recommendations from staff, customers and suppliers alike. A good shop will be treating all of these fairly and supportively. Anything over and above the day job is always going to score points with me; whether it is green initiatives, supporting local charities or really being an integral part of the local communities they serve."

Ian Nottage, Head of Food Development at Sysco Speciality Group 

“When I am judging I will be looking for a business that really focuses and thinks about their customers – I think that’s so important. Also about how they treat their team and develop their people. And those that are creative and push boundaries and really have the values of a purpose driven business.”

Victoria Robertshaw, Owner Keelham Farm Shop, 2017 Retailer of the Year

“Passion – a relationship between produce sold and region or locality.”

Martin Hesp, Editor-at-large & Food and Drink Editor Western Morning News

“First advice is go for it. Take time to complete a detailed entry supported with high quality images. It may seem time consuming but efforts in your entry will pay dividends.”

John Gill, Head of Commercial Operations at Booths

“It's definitely worth the time it takes to fill out the form. Make sure you really tell us all about the great things you do and provide commercial information. Becoming a finalist creates lots of great PR for your business and lots of support available from the Awards and William Reed team.”

Victoria Robertshaw, Owner Keelham Farm Shop, 2017 Retailer of the Year