Farm Shop & Deli Retailer Awards 2025 Terms & Conditions

1. By entering the Awards the Entrant will be deemed to have read and understood these terms and conditions and to be bound by them. These terms and conditions include any instructions set out with the Entry Form.

2. The Organiser reserves the right at its absolute discretion to reject any entry that it deems inappropriate.

3a. Awards are for an individual shop or business unit. If your business has more than one store/unit (e.g a chain of bakeries or butchers), and you wish to enter more than one, then please ensure you identify the business name and store/branch clearly on the entry form. You will then be required to submit an individual entry form for each additional store. Please ensure each entry is tailored to the store and not duplicated from other entries.

3b.Should you wish to enter the same shop in more than one category, please ensure you tailor the entry to be relevant to each category. Should you provide the same wording across multiple categories only one will be taken forward.

4. The Organiser reserves the right to reallocate an entry to another Region or Category if it considers it to be more appropriate.

5. Entries must be submitted online and must be submitted no later than 11.59 p.m. on Friday 27th September 2024. Responsibility is not accepted for entries lost or delayed as a result of any network, computer hardware or software failure of any kind. Proof of sending will not be accepted as proof of receipt.

6. Entries will only be accepted if they are submitted in full, with full contact details and accompanied by the required photographs. In addition, submission of an entry can only occur once these terms and conditions have been accepted and once consent has been provided that the Farm Shop & Deli Retailer Awards organiser can use the profile image submitted to question 'Upload an image of your team (or shop front)' on the awards website entrants, finalist and winners pages, where relevant.

7. Entries must include the name of the person responsible for submitting the entry and to whom all correspondence concerning the Awards should be addressed.

8. Entries will become the property of the Organiser and will not be returned.

9. The Awards will be judged by a panel of judges selected by the Organiser.

10. Eligible entrants will be judged by our panel of experts in October and November. 'Category Finalists' will be announced in February 2025, with the 'Category Winners' and 'Best in Region' winners being announced at Farm Shop & Deli Show, The NEC Birmingham, Monday 7th April 2025. 

11a. The judges may decline to make an award for any Category and region, if, in their opinion, there are insufficient entries of a winning standard.

11b. For our new 'Other Specialist Retailer' category, we reserve the right to seperate any of these categories to be individual awards after entries have closed, should the demand require it.

12. The Award winners will each receive a trophy/award and a certificate.

13. The Organiser reserves the right to change the judging panel without prior notice to entrants.

14. The decision of the chairman of judges on all matters affecting this competition is final and legally binding.

15. No correspondence will be entered into.

16. Winners may be required to take part in some pre and post-event marketing and publicity, and consent to their name and photograph being used for such purposes.

17. Entrants consent to the publication by the Organiser in connection with the Awards of any of the documents or materials constituting their entry.

18. Any winner may publicise its Award provided the year in which it was won is stated.

19. Entrants and Finalists wishing to attend the winners announcement will need to register to visit Farm Shop & Deli Show 2025. The show runs from 7th - 9th April 2025, NEC Birmingham with the winners announcement taking place on Monday 7th April 2025.

20. By entering the Awards, all Entrants will be deemed to have accepted and be bound by the rules and consent to the transfer of their personal data to the Data Controller for the purposes of the administration of the Awards and any other purposes to which the entrant has consented. For further information, please read our privacy policy, which can be found at

21. The Organiser and Data Controller is William Reed Ltd, Broadfield Park, Crawley RH11 9RT.